Dandelion - Taraxacum - detox

Dandelion - Organic





Vitamin A,E, C, Potassium, Calcium, Manganese, Iron, and Magnesium. Folic acid, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, NIacin.

Flavonoids,carotene-B, Carotene-A, lutein, Cryptoxanthin, and Zeaxanthin.

Nutrition and Constituent Value of Dandelion Roots  

Taraxacin, Taraxacum, Crystalline principle, Taraxacerin, an Acrid Resin.

Benefits of Dandelion


Dandelion leaves have several antioxidants that have a positive effect on health. The entire plant contains a high amount of cinnirenic acid, which is essential to maintain digestive health.


It is considered a great detox and diuretic herb since it cleans the liver, kidney, and colon.


Dandelion has a high amount of fibers that aid bowel movements. It also contains good amounts of Vitamin B6 and C, Riboflavin, Iron, Thiamine, Manganese and Potassium. The other nutrients include Magnesium, Copper, Phosphorus and Folic Acid.

Strong Bones

Dandelion is probably the richest herbal sources of Vitamin K provides about 650% of DRI. Vitamin-K has a potential role in bone strengthening by promoting osteoblastic activity in the bones.

Has a high amount of calcium that is vital for bone growth and strength. Vitamin C and luteolin, which prevents bones from damage due to free radicals. It prevents bone weakness, fragility and decreased density.

Liver Health

It contains antioxidants that cleanse the liver, such as Vitamin C and luteolin, which helps maintain liver function and heals the liver hemorrhage. It helps maintain the bile flow, improves the liver and promotes digestion.

Colon Cleaning 

It reduces the chances of constipation which reduces the chances of gastrointestinal problems.

Decrease Diabetes

Dandelion helps diabetic patients to stimulate the production of insulin from the pancreas by maintaining low blood sugar levels. It increases urination in diabetic patients, which eliminates excess sugar from the body. It prevents the deposition of sugar in the kidneys, promoting urination. This prevents harmful peaks and plunges into diabetic patients.


The diuretic properties in dandelion remove toxic elements from the kidneys and urinary tract. Disinfection properties prevent microbial growth in the urinary tract.


At R. Terra, our mission reaches far beyond just being a provider of herbal products and supplements. We believe that for every disease or problem, there is a natural cure based in herbalism.

At R.Terra, Is committed to providing longevity and vitality through superfoods, herbs, and natural cosmetics. These provide energy, antioxidants, detoxing, weight management and supports the immune system.

About Our Cosmetics - Are all natural, certified organic sustainable and sourced from the Amazon Rainforest, cruelty-free, They are created with plant-based, We do not use any chemicals, fillers, or preservatives in our products.

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