Mulungu Erythrina - Treats Depression | Insomnia | Anxiety


Erythrina mulungu (Mulungu) is a Brazilian ornamental tree and medicinal plant  native to the cerrado and caatinga ecoregions in Brazil

Since the herb is thought to possess sedative properties, mulungu is often used as a treatment for anxiety. The properties of the plant include analgesic, diuretic, hypotension, tranquilizer, antidepressant, antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and tonic. Helps in the treatment of other health conditions: hepatitis, high blood pressure, cystitis (inflammation and infection in the bladder), urinary insufficiency, gingivitis, asthmatic bronchitis, pertussis (respiratory disease), coughs, aches, and rheumatic diseases.

Herbal medicine

Several Erythrina tree species are used by indigenous peoples in the Amazon as medicines, insecticides and fish poisons. Tinctures and decoctions made from the leaves or barks of Mulungu are often used in Brazilian traditional medicine as a sedative, to calm an overexcited nervous system, to lower blood pressure and for insomnia and depression.

Commercial preparations of Mulungu are available in Brazilian drugstores, but is not very widely known in North America and almost unknown in Europe; mostly appearing as an ingredient in only a few herbal formulas for anxiety or depression.


Mulungu (Erythrina mulungu) is a natural remedy said to offer a variety of health benefits. ... Since the herb is thought to possess sedative properties,mulungu is often used as a treatment for anxiety.

Mulungu effects

Mulungu may have anticonvulsant effects, according to an animal-based study published in Epilepsy & Behavior in 2012. In the study, researchers found that erysothrine, a compound extracted from the flowers of the mulungu plant, helped inhibit seizures and also produced mild anti-anxiety effects.

In traditional Bantu cultures

Origin, diffusion, and etymology

The original early-Bantu name for the creator God was probably Nyàmbé, possibly from the verb root -àmb-, "to begin". With the diversification of Bantu cultures, other names came about, with "Mulungu" emerging in the ancient Southern Kaskazi group (about 6000 BC). The etymology of the name is disputed. One hypothesis is that the name is derived from a verb root -ng-, meaning "to be rectified", "to become right"; in this case, the original concept of Mulungu is that of a creator god that established the original, right order on the world.


All traditional Bantu cultures have a notion of a "creator god", a concept which was already established in the Niger-Congo cultures.  This creator god is usually seen as a remote deity, far and detached from men and living beings; in some cases, it is more of an impersonal "creating force" or a primum movens than a "God" in the usual sense of the word.  Even when described as a personal god, the Creator is believed to be far and detached from men and living beings; this detachment is the subject of a number of Bantu myths describing how the creator left the Earth, moving to the sky, as a consequence of him being upset with men or annoyed by their activities. It is thus a common trait of Bantu religions that no prayers, and usually no worship, is actually directed to the creator;  men interact with lower-levels gods and spirits that are closer and more interested in human affairs. These general lines are common to traditional concepts of Mulungu as found in Kikuyu, Ruvu, and other cultures.  A Nyamwezi myth about the departure of Mulungu from the Earth involves Mulungu being upset of the fires set by men to the landscape, and asking the spider to weave a web for him to climb up to the sky.

Modern Uses

With the advent of either Islam or Christianity, the word "Mulungu" was usually adopted to mean the Christian or Islamic God. Over thirty translations of the Bible in African languages use the word Mulungu to refer to the Father.  As another example, Jesus Christ is referred to as mwana wa Mulungu ("child of Mulungu") in modern religious songs in Chichewa language ( Malawi). The word was also used in Swahili Islamic literature before the derivative name "Mungu" became more common.


Mulungu (Erythrina mulungu) is a natural remedy said to offer a variety of health benefits. In Brazil, it occurs in the States of Acre, Rondônia, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Bahia, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul. Since the herb is thought to possess sedative properties, mulungu is often used as a treatment for anxiety. The properties of the plant include analgesic, diuretic, hypotension, tranquilizer, antidepressant, antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and tonic. Helps in the treatment of other health conditions: hepatitis, high blood pressure, cystitis (inflammation and infection in the bladder), urinary insufficiency, gingivitis, asthmatic bronchitis, pertussis (respiratory disease), coughs, aches, and rheumatic diseases.


Chemical compounds in Mulungu

extract tetrahydroisoquinoline, alkaloids, erythravine and (+)-11α-hydroxy-erythravine.

Benefits of Mulungu


Is very effective in the treatment of psychological problems related to stress, is known to stabilize the central nervous system. One of the more popular herbal remedies for anxiety and nervousness is the bark from the mulungu tree.


Helps regulate the pineal gland, decrease the sensitivity, numb, tranquilizer. it also good for calming a racing and worry mind. 


Mulungu contains high levels of flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect, and potent alkaloids, which may help reduce anxiety. They found one of the alkaloids to inhibit anxiety without producing ugly side effects.

Emotional Health

It calms and sedates the nervous system. It has antidepressant properties being used as a treatment for problems such as hysteria, agitation, panic, compulsion


Has diuretic properties and combats swelling caused by fluid retention.

Fatty liver and kidney 

It has hepatoprotection which is the ability to prevent damage to the liver. Also, helps to strengthen the body's organs, including the kidney and liver.


It can help to regulate heartbeat and reduces blood pressure.

Our Mission

At R. Terra, our mission reaches far beyond just being a provider of herbal products and supplements. We believe that for every disease or problem, there is a natural cure based in herbalism.

At R.Terra, Is committed to providing longevity and vitality through superfoods, herbs, and natural cosmetics. These provide energy, antioxidants, detoxing, weight management and supports the immune system.

About Our Cosmetics - Are all natural, certified organic sustainable and sourced from the Amazon Rainforest, cruelty-free, They are created with plant-based food-grade cold pressed butter, oils, We do not use any chemicals, fillers, or preservatives in our products


Click here to buy Mulungu 

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